Brand Strategy

As a strategist, I’ve seen an entire side of the marketing world that I’d never previously achieved access to. Two things I’m often responsible for bringing to my job consistently are:

1) Conviction - Certitude and downright belief in my work and product

2) Opinion - Real thoughts, real personality, real experiences, real perspectives, birthed from real curiosity, real adventure and real exploration

Check out some of my takes regarding brands, their activations and campaigns here. No frills. No fluff. Maybe a little shade.


It’s giving: new year, same me. The skincare regimen is divine; very much moisturized, very much hydrated, very much glow. Currently COVID free; very much travel-ready. How’s your January?

Strategy Roundup 10.22.21

Spotify is currently blaring in my background. Well, just loud enough so that I can still hear my own thoughts. Because that's what you deserve. My clear, unmolested, concrete thoughts. Here's what I think: I think that the seasons are transitioning, stirring up an all too familiar unbalanced blend of confusion, anxiety, and eagerness for the holidays, cooler weather, and cute dates. I think it's time to get you ready for November.

Strategy Roundup 7.16.21

It’s July already? No, it’s halfway through July already?

Strategy Roundup 5.28.21

You’re putting the final touches on prep for your almost post-pandemic hot girl/hot boy summer. The sun’s out and come Monday, those (hamburger) buns better be out! I want you to crack open that hard seltzer. Go ahead and pour that wine glass past half full! Btw, I’m still accepting invitations to the Memorial Day BBQ!

Strategy Roundup 4.16.21

On this April Friday, this refreshing Spring weather calls for a tall glass of the good stuff. Why not make it a Gin and Tonic? Why not make it a double? Why not make it Bombay Sapphire? Come on! And if it’s date night, and the conversation grows stale, how about a spicy twitter thread to pass the time?

Strategy Roundup 2.19.21

You’ve had a long, cold, snowy week. Alas, your weekend isn’t shaping up to be much different. Ah, but for this weekly article for which you’ve waited so patiently. Let’s get cozy. Let's get artsy. Let’s get warm with a good read and some favorites from the week. Grab your hot cocoa – extra marshmallows. It’s time to clutch those winter mugs.

Strategy Roundup 1.22.21

This week was colored with historical brushstrokes signaling a new day on the foundation of hope. Inauguration Day stole the show for more reasons than one. Sheroes, heroes and longboards bring us all well-deserved joy and tranquility.